Traveling Soon?

Visit our clinic for your vaccination 


Our clinic pharmacist is happy to provide you with health services tailored to your travel needs.

Planning a trip soon? Great news!

Make sure you have everything you need to fully enjoy your vacation. We have all the travel tips and practical advice you need for your trip to get you set for your upcoming adventure.

Do you need travel health medication?

Your pharmacist can give you tips on any medication you may need when it comes to pain, allergies or first aid. Depending on where you’re travelling, they can also prescribe medication to prevent altitude sickness, malaria or treat travelers’ diarrhea.

Do you require vaccinations?

All the locations of Mayjorad pharmacies provide the opportunity to meet with a certified injection pharmacist, who can evaluate your needs and administer any vaccinations required for your trip. Every one of our pharmacy locations are designated vaccination centers.

Do you have your list of medications?

It’s important to always keep a list of medications on you when travelling. In case of an emergency or accident, medical services can quickly consult the document and treat you accordingly. Talk to your pharmacist before travelling out of Canada!

Do you have everything you need?

Do you need advice on what to put in your travel health kit, Trip medication and vaccination?

Stress Management during trip?

Vacation tips with children?

Discover our wide range of travel health products, services and advice for travelers when your visit any of our pharmacy location and talk to our pharmacist….

Travel Vaccines

Hepatitis A (Adult)
Hepatitis A (Pediatric)
Tdap (Tetanus, Diptheria,Pertussis)
Td Adsorbed (Tetanus and Diptheria)
Traveller’s diarrhea
Hepatitis B Adult
Hepatitis B Pediatric
Japanese Encephalitis
Pneumococcal vaccine

Pneumococcal vaccine
Rabies 3 doses
 Hep A+B Adult
Hep A+B Pediatric
Typhoid Oral
Yellow Fever(include international Certificate)